Step 1
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To start your claim process, please tell us about your purchase.

*Date of purchase is required

Note: If your retailer is not listed, please ask your retailer or contact An eligible purchase needs to come from an authorised reseller from an Australian Source.

*Retailer location is required


*Retailer location is required

*State is required

Uploading...please be patient. Your image size or internet speed may impact the time to upload.
 Image Uploaded

*Upload is required (JPG, PNG, GIF or PDF formats only)


*Purchase price is required

Please confirm you are not a robot

  • Please ensure a clear sharp image

  • Start with a receipt flat, without folds or wrinkles

  • If document, ensure it's flat, without folds or wrinkles.

  • Please keep your phone or camera flat and steady, to take a sharp and bright image.